Yanks VR

Yanks VR

Girls are Beautiful! - We film all types of sexy, fun-loving girls. We look for sexy bodies, pretty faces and great personalities. While our hotties come from all walks of life, they all have that "IT" factor. 100% Female Produced - With over 14 years of filming women's pleasure we have learned that women sexually express themselves more freely when another girl is behind the camera. Freedom is Sexy - Our videos are unscripted. We let the girls play the way they do at home. Real girls and no rules equals real orgasms. No Wham-Bam Thank you Ma'am at YanksVR - Before we shoot one second of video we take our time and get to know the girls we are going to present to you. What they like about sex, what they fantasize about and how they like to be touched. Real Orgasms - Everything I mentioned above is all to get that money shot. You want to see girls cum together and by themselves. For that, there is no place like YanksVR. Be a Holistic Company - When it comes to Virtual Reality, YanksVR is constantly on the cutting edge. When it comes to social responsibility we are involved daily. When it comes to supporting the free speech of our industry we will always lend our support.

180° 3D Videos

We have two types of VR scenes. The first is recorded with two cam­eras in a way that mim­ics the way hu­man eyes see. Shoot­ing in this way gives our videos a 3D ef­fect that will put our Yanks Girls right in front of you to en­joy. It will change the way you think of video for­ever.


VR Head Track­ing en­ables your VR de­vice to know where your head is within the vir­tual en­vi­ron­ment of the video. This means when the po­si­tion of your head changes by nod­ding, tilt­ing or shak­ing, what you see on screen ad­justs as well.

360° Videos

In ad­di­tion to our 180° 3D videos, we also of­fer 360° mono­scopic videos. You can now be the vir­tual fly on the wall in the room WITH her. It’s your dream come true! Shot with ten 4k cam­eras, these scenes put you IN the room with your fa­vorite Yanks Girls, al­low­ing you to watch in per­son.

The Brand You Love

Since 2002 Yanks has been a leader in cre­at­ing sexy, nat­ural, am­a­teur porn. YanksVR is the next step in that evo­lu­tion. YanksVR brings the girls of Yanks into your world and you into theirs in a way that will sim­ply blow your mind. Al­ways 100% fe­male pro­duced, YanksVR is the evo­lu­tion of am­a­teur porn.
Visit Yanks VR

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