Meet Katija Cortez

Meet Katija Cortez

Checkout our candid conversation with Katija Cortez, a former accountant turned sex worker, podcaster, YouTuber and model. She may be a new player in the industry, but her career is already making some big international waves.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

Always the hardest question to answer! I do a lot of things within the sex industry. I am a full-time courtesan. That would be my main job. I also have a podcast and YouTube channel called The Kat and Mark Show where my co-host Markus Wolf and I talk about all things sex, dating, the sex industry – basically everything to do with sex – as well as feature a number of Australian and international guests from all walks of the industry!

I have an OnlyFans, although wouldn’t really call myself a creator as I don’t post as much as I’d like to. I write a sex blog – – which is a mix of stories, diary entries and my thoughts on the sex industry. More recently I just started getting into the presenting space – I was one of the hosts/MCs at the Australian Adult Industry Awards (AAIA) the other week in Melbourne. My co-host and I are also locked in to host the AAIA again next year in 2024, which is super exciting!

Meet Katija Cortez

How did you get into the industry?

I actually had a whole other career as an accountant before starting in the sex industry. One day I quit my job because I low-key had a little bit of a quarter life crisis. I looked at my life and had achieved none of the things I REALLY wanted to do. I always did everything by the book, I had the degrees, the safe, stable job, but I wanted more. I gave it all up to chase my dreams instead. That dream was to write a book, but after quitting my job I needed money to fund myself while writing my book…

I started off with an OnlyFans, which I did for a couple months until one of my girlfriends who was an escort asked if I wanted to join this new agency with her. It took me a few weeks of contemplating it, because it was NEVER something I saw myself doing. I finally got convinced to give it a go and take on one booking just to try it. Little did I know I would end up falling in love with the job. It’s always hard to explain to people that I genuinely love and enjoy my job, but it is the honest truth. From there I not only fell in love with the job, but the entire industry, and so from there my career just snowballed.

Who have you worked with?

I’ve collaborated with so many cool and wonderful people! Some of the bigger names I’ve filmed with are reality TV Star Sebastian Guilhaus from Married at First Sight (MAFS), and more recently Tik Tok star Justin Leo.

What’s the best thing about working in the industry?

My favorite part about being a sex worker is setting my own hours and having full control over my workload. Of course, the money is fantastic, but I do love that it allows me the time to pursue my hobbies and other passions (including finally writing my book!)

What’s your biggest achievement to date?

Just recently I was the cover girl for FHM France, which was absolutely insane! As a young girl I always dreamed of being in magazines, but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I’d be in one, let alone on the cover of one! I also walked away from the Australian Adult Industry Awards with not one, but two awards! Both the categories I was nominated for, which is surreal – Best Blogger/Presenter/Journalist AND Best Podcast. Being given the honor to host the awards was also a massive achievement in itself and I’m so stoked to have been asked to host again next year!

Meet Katija Cortez

Any goals you’re working towards?

At the moment I’m just focused on growing my brand and my podcast both domestically and internationally. That’s my main focus right now.

Anything new or exciting coming up soon?

I have so much coming up this year! I’ll have a booth at Sexpo Sydney and Melbourne in July/November with my good friend and fellow OnlyFans star Kay Manuell. I’ve also got some modelling gigs coming up both domestically and internationally, which is super exciting – although at the moment they’re a bit under wraps so can’t say too much else about it at this point!

Any advice for anyone wanting to start out in the industry?

Firstly – Dabble and find out what works best for you. The sex industry is soooo big. There is so much you can do and there is room for everyone. I would say try out as many things as you can that interest you, and see what works best for you.

Secondly – Being genuine goes a long way. Many people wrongly think that the sex industry is just all fun and games, but it is far from this. It is real work, it’s hard work, and it is real people’s livelihoods. Joining the industry with the wrong intentions will not get you very far.

Meet Katija Cortez

What’s your favorite niche porn?

I love watching double penetration and gang bangs… I think this is because in terms of sex, I’ve done most things, except I’ve never done these two things. They’re both my ultimate fantasies though so I love watching it and thinking that could be me one day! 

Where can people find you?

Personal Instagram, Twitter, OnlyFans – @katijacortez

Podcast Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube – @katandmarkshow

Website –

Blog –

Meet Katija Cortez