How To Build A Porn Tube Site

How To Build A Porn Tube Site

When deciding to build a porn site there are many things you need to consider. One of them is if you are going to host your own videos or just embed videos from other established porn sites. Even though hosting prices have come down a lot in the last decade it can still cost quite a lot of money to host a large tube site due to video sizes.

Embed Porn or Host Yourself?

One great way to get around this is to just embed videos from other sites like pornhub and xvideos etc. The only problem with doing this is when your site visitor clicks on the embed video to pause it your viewer will be redirected to the major tube site. This is extremely bad for bounce rate and it is almost impossible to grow a site due to this. If you can’t grow a site then you won’t make porn dough.

The Solution?

Introducing WP Script. What is WP Script you ask? It is a company that sells themes and plugins for wordpress to help you build porn sites. What makes them so good? They have some great plugins including one that will fill your wordpress site with porn videos from major sites. Not that big or a deal right?? Well, they have another plugin that allows you to have these videos embed on your site and when you click pause or on the video you won’t be redirected automatically or even at all to the major tube site. WOW!!!!!

This allows you to basically steal bandwith and videos from the sites that have been stealing copyrighted videos from producers ever since tube sites were started. If you want to see how powerful WP Script can be then check out Voyeur Boss. It has been build with some of their offerings.