How To Block Countries or Towns on OnlyFans

How To Block Countries or Towns on OnlyFans

So you have joined OnlyFans and now you want to block your hometown or a country even? We will step you through how it’s done.

First log into your OnlyFans account. Navigate to settings then click privacy and safety.

How To Block Countries or Towns on OnlyFans

From there you need to scroll down to the safety section and you will see a few different options. These include restricted accounts, blocked accounts, block by country and block by IP address. For this exercise we will be focusing on the country blocking. So click on that.

How To Block Countries or Towns on OnlyFans

Under block by country you can just click on a country first.

How To Block Countries or Towns on OnlyFans

Then you can select a state next.

How To Block Countries or Towns on OnlyFans

Or just leave it as country only to block all states. Make sure you click save at the top right before exiting.

We recommend generally to not block any country at all but sometimes you might want to block third world countries that have no money to spend and just pester you with disgusting comments and requests.

If you need help to grow your OnlyFans you can contact us if you want a free PR style blog post about yourself or join some social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter (X) and Reddit for example.

We also recommend you use the built in OnlyFans link tracking for each social media account link so you know where your conversions are coming from.