Covid Dick Is Real

Covid Dick Is Real

Simon Bigwood from New Jersey United States has reported that he has suffered long after his Covid-19 flu symptoms went away. Simon has estimated his penis has lost about 2 inches since catching the disease.

At 48 years old Simon still dreamed of “doing the nasty” with many hot MILF’s as he put it but his attraction of the opposite sex has meant that once ladies discover his “size” that they are ghosting him.

A study of 8,200 people led by University College London found that of 200 reported long Covid-19 symptoms, a smaller penis was one of the rarer ones.

Prior to Covid-19 Simon’s penis size was a slightly below average size of 3 inches. He said that he still felt he could more than satisfy a woman with what god gave him.

The doctors reviewing Simon’s condition have reported that it appears he has some vascular damage and it appears to be permanent. Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction, such as anxiety around sexual performance or depression, are not linked to a shrinking penis. The evidence shows that the virus can enter and therefore likely cause damage to the blood vessels of the penis.

Covid-19 is not sexually transmitted, however.

Dr Sunshine said when Covid-19 enters the endothelial cells of the blood vessels found in the penis, it can prevent proper blood flow. This stops the penis from hardening as effectively.

The doctor referred to a study whereby urologists found particles of coronavirus in the penises of two men who had erectile dysfunction after they had completely recovered from infection.

Both men had “normal erectile function” prior to getting Covid-19.

When Simon asked how he can possibly try and fix his condition Dr Sunshine advised penis stretching using exercises or devices are commonly used as treatment for those on the smaller side, either naturally or due to disease.

An example is a penis pump. This is a tube that fits over the penis and pumps out air, causing more blood flow to the area.

penis pump

If you too have noticed yourself or a loved one being affected by Covid dick let us know your story below.