Most Embarrassing Sex Moments

Most Embarrassing Sex Moments

We asked Facebook users what their most embarrassing sex moment was and have compiled some of the best responses. Some were just too nasty to mention 🙂

Michael Rose – We was having sex in the shower and I still had soap on me right. So long story short she sucked my balls a little too hard and I farted and a soap bubble came out my ass and floated for a second. We both seen it. I ain’t beard from her since that day.

Ezra Kelley – Had my tooth knocked out from her shoulder. Kinda said wtf, spat the blood and tooth out and continued. Another time had a heel slice my thigh open, another “wtf” and wiped the blood off and continue, lol

Chris Tebow – Not embarrassing.. but maybe just awkward… I’m a heavy cummer, so when I pull out and start to shoot, its flying far and everywhere. There’s been a few times where we finish, and I look down at the sticky mess I’ve made all over my partner, and she’s just terrified to move now, lol.

John Patten – Blacked out in the shower the first time we were together. Was working out of the office that day and blew off lunch to get done early to go see her. It was really warm that day and not eating or drinking anything caught up with me.

Barrie Pearce – Getting my work colleagues given me bj in the back off the car on my work break.

Jeremy Ezell – Me and a girl were in the shower messing around and the cops kicked the door in. Wanna talk about awkward.. Lmao

Emily Sossoman – I was sucking dick, and he pushed my head down and it ripped the back of my throat and he thought I bit his dick because there was blood on it and flipped out… that was pretty embarrassing but totally not my fault.

Nick Diaz – There is no embarrassing sex! Only awesomely weird sex!

Manny Griego – My first time doing it when I was younger I tried going in dry raw and my dick folded like a church pamphlet.

Anastasios Nomikos – When I came I did the scream from the song “Down with the sickness”

Chloe Farout – My ass literally ate the butt plug during sex and he failed to tell me until he had already been pounding me from behind for 15 minutes.. I then said “where’s the butt plug?” And his like “gone” I’m like “what the fuck do you mean gone” he responded with “inside you, I tried to tell you earlier it’s in” I looked at him in horror and said “I thought you meant it’s in as in it’s just in… not inside my fucking ass completely” 😂😂😂 this was literally two days ago.

Adam Wells – When you look down and see a soggy condom hanging off the end of your dick, especially when you weren’t wearing one to start with! 🙈😂