Golden Showers & Why People Find Urination Sexy

Golden Showers & Why People Find Urination Sexy

What do R. Kelly and Donald Trump have in common? Sorry – what do they “allegedly” have in common? 

Well, they have both had evidence come to light that they’ve participated in sex acts that involve urine, hinting that they may have a pee fetish. Regardless of how you feel about those two people (because I know opinions on both of them are usually a bit…negative) – pee play is not as uncommon as you think it is. 

People like to be peed on. 

This is a thing, and it’s a thing we should know more about because no one really talks about it, for the obvious reason of avoiding judgment. But everyone has their own kinks, and as long as things are consensual and legal, what’s the big deal?

What is Pee Fetishism, Exactly?

Pee play (commonly know as watersports) is a rather broad term that was coined to describe sexual acts that involve urine. 

The technical name for this fetish is “urophilia” which is literally translated to mean a paraphilia for urine – most commonly the feel of urine on your skin or the smell/taste of urine – but urophilia can be something as simple as being turned on by the sight of someone urinating. 

Pee fetishism can be a lot more than just peeing on your partner, though. There are lots of ways to incorporate pee into your sex life.  

Watersports is described as any activity that involves someone urinating on someone else. This is also commonly known as “golden shower”, for obvious reasons. 

Omorashi or “wetting” often refers to someone wetting themselves, and this could happen in a situation where watching someone wet themselves is erotic to the person watching. “Omorashi” is a Japanese term that translates to “to wet oneself”. 

Voyeurism is also something that plays into this fetish. This can be someone who gets off by watching another person urinate. This can happen in a bathroom setting or watching them wet themselves. If you are interested in voyeurism when it comes to this fetish – just keep in mind our golden rule of consent. Don’t go peeping in public bathrooms to get your fix…this is how many fetishes get a bad wrap. 

Desperation fetishism in regards to pee play is more focused on the act of holding the urine until you cannot possible hold it anymore. This is very similar to edging an orgasm, getting yourself to the point where you can’t stand it anymore and have to give in. 

Bathroom control can be a whole other part of this fetish, and it falls more heavily under the dom/sub setting. Someone who loves bathroom control is very turned on by the power they have over another person by telling them when they can (and can’t) go to the bathroom. 

Wearing diapers is a bit of an outlier in the world of pee fetishism, but we should still talk about it. Diaper wearing is actually present in a few different fetishes, but in this setting, it would be people who enjoy wearing diapers or cloth that holds in the pee because they like the feeling of it. 

While not everyone who enjoys this fetish may enjoy it the same way someone else does, there is really no one specific way to participate in pee play. 

If you’re into this fetish, you may be turned on by the idea of urinating on or near your partner, having them urinate on you during sex, watching or listening to someone urinating or buying urine-scented panties. 

Why Pee? 

This was my first reaction, to be honest. 

I’m totally not judging. I mean, I frequently fantasize about being shocked with an electric collar…and many people find that incredibly odd. So, I’m with you when it comes to fetishes people don’t understand – I firmly believe: to each their own, different strokes for different folks…all that jazz. 

My curiosity on this subject is more because I simply don’t understand the sex appeal around urination. This is a totally natural bodily function each of us does every day, what’s so attractive about it? This is why I wanted to do some more research and see the reasons why people enjoy this so much. 

Here’s what I found out…

It Can Be An Act of Dominance

When we think of pee, most commonly (especially if you’re a dog-owner), you may think of “marking your territory”. 

There is a kind of dominance that is asserted when someone pees on another person, and many people find this to be the sexiest thing about pee play. This is by far the most popular answer I found when it comes to why people enjoy pee play…it makes them feel in control.

Asserting that kind of power, dominance, and possession over someone can be incredibly intoxicating. 

It Can Be A Humiliation Thing

Do you know that embarrassing feeling you get when you’re that person at the park who has dog poo on their shoes? Well, if you’re into humiliation play, defecating or urinating on your partner would definitely do the trick. 

For some people, urination itself isn’t the appeal, it’s the fact that you’ve conquered, dominated and/or embarrassed your submissive by urinating on them. If you’re someone who likes humiliation play, you may be interested in pee play as a humiliation tactic.

It’s Taboo, Which Also Makes It A Bit Appealing

People like things they aren’t supposed to like. Sometimes, that’s why people like certain things. Part of the appeal is that it’s naughty, wrong and that people think it’s really strange. 

It’s Taboo, Which Also Makes It A Bit Appealing

Being turned on by a taboo is honestly super common, not to mention the new and exciting tingles we get when we try something new in the bedroom. 

Holding It In And Feeling That Release

Similarly to how some people are turned on by edging, the physical act of holding in your urine and letting it go at the very last second is what some people find erotic about watersports

Being desperate, needing to feel some kind of release and that relaxing feeling of gratification when you’re able to release what you’ve been holding onto for so long…there are actually quite a few parallels between edging and pee play. 

On that same idea train is the thought that watching someone having that release from urination is very similar to watching them orgasm. It is a form of release that gives the person satisfaction. 

It Can Be About Sensation Play 

While this one isn’t super common, there are quite a lot of people who find the quick change in temperature (going from cold or room-temperature to the warmth of pee) is what gets them off. 

Sensation play is a very real fetish and some people really do enjoy the warm sensation of liquids on them – so it’s easy to see how that fantasy can lead you into pee play. 

The Taste “Isn’t As Bad As You’re Thinking It Is”

Okay, so some people like the taste of urine and some people don’t…but pee play is for everyone, even if the thought of tasting urine repulses you. 

A lot of people who participate in pee play drink so much water before the session that their pee is super diluted and doesn’t actually taste that much like pee. In fact, Steve, from California, went from drinking his girlfriend’s pee during their sexual escapes to actually freezing it and making icicles for himself to lick whenever he got the urge. 

While that may sound strange, he’s not the only one who is in it for the taste. There are tons of people who are interested in their partner’s “goddess nectar,” as they call it. 

Depending on what you put into your body that day, your urine can taste different. 

For example, for a milder taste, drinking more water is the way to go. Another example is that time and time again, people who are experienced in pee play say that coffee pee is by far the worst. 

So maybe avoid the afternoon caffeine boost if you’re interested in giving your partner a good flavor. 

Watersports Have a Huge Online Following 

Although there aren’t a bunch of informational articles out there on pee play, the amount of porn you can find on the subject might shock you. Similarly, the amount of camgirls and sex workers who get this request is truly crazy. 

Alice, a camgirl from Colorado, explained that one of her regular customers pays her to sit on webcam and drink water until she has to pee herself. 

Sometimes You Just Stumble Into a Fetish

There doesn’t have to be a reasoning behind every fantasy. Sometimes we just stumble into things and are surprised ourselves at how much we like them.

Sometimes You Just Stumble Into a Fetish

A guy by the name of J, from London, explained that he got into pee play by accident when his very drunk girlfriend accidentally peed on him while they were having sex. Instantly, he loved the feeling of the warm liquid on him and has participated in pee play solo and with others ever since. 

How to Talk About Pee Play with a Partner

Broaching this particular fetish subject can be extremely difficult because, to be honest, many people find it gross. Finding out your partner is into pee play can be a bit shocking and can definitely take you off guard, as peeing on someone so they can orgasm isn’t exactly common dinner-table chat. 

How to Talk About Pee Play with a Partner

However, if you want something…what’s the worst that can happen if you ask for it? 

The best that can happen is that they are game and your all your wet and wild fantasies come true. The worst that can happen…well, I guess they can be a bit grossed out, which can make things a bit awkward.

But does that mean you shouldn’t ask? 

Of course, whether you bring this up with your partner or not is totally up to you. If you’re looking for ways of introducing the topic to see what they think of it, you could always “stumble upon” or bring up the topic of pee play porn and see if they have a positive reaction to it or not.

Whatever your kink, as long as things are consensual and nothing illegal is happening, you shouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed…but it’s also very normal if you feel a bit overwhelmed with the thought of bringing fetishes like this into the conversation. 

If you have brought this topic up to your partner and have gotten a less-than-stellar response, you may want to head over to our post “My Partner Hates My Kink…Now, What?” to get some ideas on how to proceed. 

Ending the Stigma Around Pee Play

Even if this is something that you are not remotely interested in, chances are that you know someone who is or at the very least, you know someone who has been with another person who is interested in pee play. 

Talking about these kinds of “weird” fetishes and getting our sexual desires out in the open is a great way to normalize these things to a point where it’s not a scary topic to broach with a sexual partner. 

While there aren’t many statistics around fetishes, an Australian survey tallied in 2014 showed up to 4% of men identified themselves as having a pee fetish. 

Ending the Stigma Around Pee Play

On that same note, PornHub stats show the term “golden showers” to be quite popular. In fact, “golden showers” are a very popularly searched term in Europe, mainly in the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, and Germany. This should give you some kind of idea of how popular this fetish really is. 

If you’re interested in listening to a podcast on the subject of pee play, Sex with Dr. Jess has a great episode where sex educator Luna Matatas opens up about watersports and what it’s like to be peed on. 

What If I Can’t Pee in Front of Someone But Really Want to Engage in Pee Play?

Just because you’re turned on by the thought of peeing in front of your partner doesn’t mean your body will be able to follow your lead. 

Typically, we don’t have an audience when we go to the bathroom (unless you’re a parent, then you almost have someone walking in mid-stream), so it can be a bit difficult to make it happen when the time comes. 

If you’re not able to pee in front of your partner, but really want to – consider taking some small steps like leaving the door open while you go, to start. From there, you can slowly work your way up to having them be in the bathroom with you, and some couples even practice by kissing their partner or touching them seductively while they are on the toilet. This can give urination a more sexy vibe, which ultimately makes them feel more comfortable with peeing in front of each other. 

If you find yourself struggling with the “shame” or embarrassment over liking something that some people find a bit gross or unorthodox, there may be some things you have to work out on a personal level to let yourself truly be comfortable with experimenting in sexual pee play. 

Experimentation With Pee Play

It’s one thing to fantasize about it, and it’s a whole other thing to experience it. 

When you think about it (and you’re turned on by it), you’re likely picturing your sexy naked partner getting ready, and then feeling the warm sensation on your skin – but when it’s a reality, the fun is over pretty quickly and then you’ve got quite a lot of cleaning up to do afterward…and that’s not always as sexy as you’d imagined it. 

Taking baby steps with any fetish is a good idea…just give it a little try without diving completely into something you’ve never done before. 

Peeing on your partner in the shower is the ultimate no-risk pee play. You’re in the shower, the drain takes the pee away and you can easily rinse off after because you’re literally doing that already. 

Peeing into a glass is also a good way to experiment because it’s a bit less threatening. If your partner likes pee play and you don’t, is there really any harm in peeing in a glass and letting him do what he wants with it? 

This can be a great compromise if one partner is interested and the other isn’t quite sure. 

Here’s What You Should Know Before Actually Getting Started

While pee play might seem fairly straightforward (because urination isn’t overly complicated), there are still some do’s and dont’s of this fetish that people who enjoy it likely want you to know before getting started. 

Is Pee Play During Sex Safe? 

As far as dangerous fetishes go, pee play is on the safer side of things. 

While urine is considered “sterile”, it’s actually only sterile while it’s in your bladder. As soon the pee leaves your body, it’s not so sterile…so you should definitely avoid getting pee anywhere where there is broken skin or open cuts. 

An extremely important note is that while it’s relatively safe to pee ON someone, it’s definitely not as safe to pee INSIDE someone. While you might be wondering why on earth someone would want to pee inside their partner…it’s definitely a thing that people like. 

Peeing inside someone can be dangerous for quite a few reasons – the biggest being that the urine can really mess with a woman’s vaginal pH levels, which is what naturally balances the acid and bacteria in the vagina. Doing this can lead to health complications or infections. 

Drinking urine, if you’re into that, is fairly safe as well – it’s just suggested that you drink some water before you engage in pee play, to help dilute things a bit.

How to Engage in Pee Play 

While peeing might seem pretty straightforward, pee play isn’t always that simple.

Here are some ways you and your partner can get ready if you’re interested in experimenting with watersports or pee play. 

Ask Yourself Why You’re Interested in This 

When it comes to fetishes, knowing why we like the things we like isn’t always super easy to pinpoint. However, if you are able to zero in on what exactly about this fetish turns you on, it will give you a much better idea of how to execute the fantasy in a way that will give you the most satisfaction. 

Talk About It With Your Partner First

“Do you want to pee on me” or “can I pee on you” might be a bit of an odd topic to broach on date night but it’s definitely not something you should jump into without having a proper conversation about it first. 

You’ll Need a Plan

Once you’ve had the talk, it’s time to play…but this is one sexual activity that you should probably plan out a bit more. 

Firstly – it’s a liquid. You don’t want to be peeing on your bedsheets, right?
So maybe you can get into the shower, or some people even use training pads (similar to puppy pee pads) so the mess is easily cleaned up after the fun is done. 

Drink Lots of Water

Isn’t it just the worst when you want to perform but get stage fright or for some reason can’t make it happen? Well, one surefire way to ensure you’re up to the task at hand is to fill the tank first! 

Hydration is super important. And not just any hydration, but to avoid some funky smells or tastes, drinking water is the best. 

Keep the Conversation Going

Even when we agree to things beforehand, there is sometimes a big difference when the time actually comes to make it happen. Communicate with your partner, let them know when you’re ready so they know what to expect. 

Just So You Know…CamGirls and Sex Workers Get This Request a Lot 

If you’re not in a position where you can participate in pee play with a partner and aren’t interested (or are just wanting something more) than solo play, there are so many other ways you can make this fantasy a reality. 

One of these ways is by watching other people engage in it, which is very easily done thanks to the wonder of the internet.

CamGirls and sex workers are very used to getting requests like this and I have no doubt in my mind you will be able to find someone who can give you what you’re dreaming of. 

To Pee or Not to Pee…

Pee play, despite the massive online following this sexual activity has, is still something that is pretty stigmatized. Not only is it a “taboo”, but it often provokes quite a lot of judgment when it comes to being fetishized. 

If you’re into this, that’s cool. 

If you’re not, that’s also okay.

Let’s just all agree not to “yuck” someone else’s “yum”. 

Pee play is a totally normal fetish that is quite common and very easily experimented with if you know what you’re doing. And hopefully, with the help of this no-nonsense guide, you have a bit of a better idea on how to bring your pee play fantasies to life.